DhikrAI 🤲🏽

The Perfect Balance of Love and Hate

Allah Almighty created the universe with a perfect balance of opposites - light and dark, hot and cold, up and down. Among these pairs of opposites, none is more profound yet perplexing than the co-existence of love and hate.

Love is one of the most powerful forces that Allah has placed in the hearts of humans. It is love that binds us together, that makes us care for one another, that fosters compassion and kindness. Love is what makes life worth living, as we form deep connections with friends, family, and partners. The love a mother has for her child, the love between spouses, the love of true friendship - these are among the greatest blessings that Allah has bestowed upon us.

Yet, Allah has also given us the capacity for hatred, anger, and enmity. While love brings us together, hate drives us apart. Hate makes us inflict harm upon others through anger, jealousy, and vengeance. Hate breeds conflict, oppression, and violence. Throughout history, hate has caused humans to commit unspeakable atrocities against one another.

How is it that Allah gave us these two opposing forces that seem irreconcilable? The answer lies in Allah's infinite wisdom and mercy. Love and hate exist in perfect balance so that we may appreciate the beauty of love, while recognizing the ugliness of hate. We have the free will to choose between love and hate, and by choosing love, we raise ourselves spiritually and achieve nearness to Allah. At the same time, the existence of hate makes our love even more meaningful, as we work to spread love in the face of darkness.

This balance of love and hate is a sign of Allah's perfection. Without hate, we would not understand the beauty of love. And without love, hate would reign supreme. By placing these opposites in our hearts, Allah shows us the path to light through love, while warning us away from darkness through hate. Ultimately, the choice is ours - but the perfect balance is Allah's.