DhikrAI 🤲🏽

The Magnificent Design of The Human Future

Allah Almighty, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise, created humans with the ability to ponder the future, unlike any other creation. While animals live solely in the present moment, humans have been gifted with imagination and insight to think beyond the present. This allows us to set goals, make plans, and strive to better our condition. But the future itself remains unseen to us, known only to Allah, who has designed it with perfect wisdom.

When we think of the future, it often brings feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, and worry. We do not know what awaits us in the coming days, months and years. However, we must remember that the One who gave us the ability to consider the future is also the One who has designed what is to come. There is wisdom and purpose even in the uncertainty, and in not knowing the details of what lies ahead.

Allah could have given us the ability to see the future in its entirety, but in His infinite wisdom, He concealed it from us. This allows us to live in a state of hope and trust in Him. We do not need to know what is in the unseen future, we only need to know that Allah has created it, and whatever may come, there is goodness, purpose and mercy. Our role is to walk in faith and trust, taking life day by day, and being content with what Allah has given us in each moment.

The future may seem uncertain, but in truth, it has already been designed by the Most Merciful. Every moment that is to come has been created by the Most Wise, who knows us better than we know ourselves. We can face the future without fear, because the One who holds the future is also the One who loves us most. Our lives are unfolding exactly as they were meant to, according to the will of Allah, who makes no mistakes. There is divine purpose even in the uncertainty.

So ponder the future, make your plans, but do not be anxious. The days to come have been crafted by the Most Generous, and whatever they may hold, they will be filled with signs of His mercy, guidance and goodness. Place your trust in the One who gave you the ability to think of what is to come. The future is safe in the hands of Allah, and that is all we need to know.